Monday, September 26, 2005

Jesse James Garrett is coming to Amsterdam

User Experience guru Jesse James Garrett will give a full day seminar on user experience design on November 7 of this year. The entrance fee is a bit steep, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it. According to Peter Boersma, the event is a must for IA’s and UX designers, so it’s hard to resist going!

Blurb from the Adaptive Path site:
Using Jesse James Garrett’s renowned “Elements of User Experience” and “Nine Pillars of Successful Web Teams” models, you'll learn how to design websites & products that meet your users' and your organization's needs through applying user-centered design principles.
I added this event to!

Technorati: , , Adaptive Path

Friday, September 23, 2005


Harms Sinaasappelkanon
Originally uploaded by Kaeru.

Uitje met het werk was de bom. Vooral Harm's sinaasappelkanon was dikke pret!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Listen to Slemper on 3voor12

If you like electronica (in the vein of Squarepusher, Aphex Twin and the like,) then you really should check out the excellent Slemper live set that is available on 3voor12. His album is due out later this year, I'm sure it'll kick ass.

Technorati: , , ,

Monday, September 19, 2005

This year the first European Information Architecture Summit will be held in Brussels, Belgium on October 15-16. I’ll be there to present a poster together with Almar van der Krogt on an interesting navigation concept we developed for a large marketing website. If you’re an IA, or are involved in the structuring of information for online media, then this is definitely the event for you!

Update: added the tag 'Euro IA Summit 2005'

Technorati: , , , , ,

Thursday, September 15, 2005


A few quick notes:

Flock is a new 'social' browser that is supposed to play nice with all kinds of cool services such as Flickr and (Via Peter.)

PocketMod is a great Flash tool allowing you to create your own custom paper organiser on one A4. My Moleskine cahiers finally have some competition! (Via Bart.)

Ben Hammersley has a new web site. Supposedly he's also cut his hair. Luckily he's still wearing his kilt, writing books and talking about blogging, podcasting and all that social software jazz. (Via Tom Coates.)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

iTunes 5 dumpt Brushed Metal

Voor Mac insiders only - een hilarisch stuk op Daring Fireball over Apple's keuze voor wéér een andere look voor hun nieuwste versie van iTunes.
"Brushed Metal: Calculator? I’m out of iTunes and you tell me I’ve still got Calculator? When is the Special Event scheduled for the next version of Calculator? Oh, that’s right, there is none, because no one gives a shit about Calculator."

Technorati: , ,

Monday, September 12, 2005

Comment spam hits Leapfroglog

It had to happen sooner or later: comment spammers have found their way to this blog. The last post was hit with four comments advertising all kinds of nonsense. I've deleted them, and am forced to turn on Bloggers word verification feature. Now you'll have to go through one more step when posting a comment. Hopefully it won't put you off commenting here too much.

Damn spammers.

Bevalling bloggen

'Schokkende' verhalen op Jeffrey Veen's blog: zijn zus bevalt van haar eerste kind en wat doet haar man? Bloggen vanuit de kraamkamer.
"... you've gotta love open wireless in the delivery room."

Blogging delivery


Friday, September 09, 2005

Chris Heathcote @ Design Engaged 2005

Chris Heathcote will be at Design Engaged 2005 in Berlin. I saw his excellent talk on tangible computing at Reboot 7. His being in Berlin this year is reason enough to go. The rest of the line up looks good too.
In November, I'll be at the Design Engaged conference, probably talking about personalisation, craft and pro-am

Technorati: , ,

Sky News finally gets it right

Sky News finally gets it right
Originally uploaded by Kaeru.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Indonesia 2005

Tana Toraja
Originally uploaded by Kaeru.

All the photos I've taken while on vacation in Indonesia are now up. The last batch mainly consists of shots taken in Sulawesi; Tana Toraja and Pulau Bunaken.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

IBM aan de UX

IBM said today it will launch a new service that allows companies to tap into IBM's award-winning product design and usability expertise, creating breakthrough products for other companies that offer more impact and user satisfaction in everything from consumer electronics to medical devices, like those that transmit data from pulse rate, heart rate and glucose level monitors over cellular networks.

With this new service, IBM design experts will consult directly with clients who want deep insight into how their consumers or business customers might interact with future products or services. IBM experts will also assist companies with the building blocks needed to move from design concepts to actual offerings.

IBM gaat aan de User Experience Design dus. Op verschillende blogs wordt al aangegeven dat ze in de States hiermee direct concureren met toko's als Frog en IDEO.

Technorati: , , , ,

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New photos

Originally uploaded by Kaeru.

Well, we got around to selecting some more shots. I've uploaded plenty of new photos taken at Bromo, as well as on Bali and Lombok.

This shot of sunrise over Bromo will take you to the first new one in the set.

IDEO Method Cards

I ordered these great looking cards today. They show 51 methods IDEO uses to inform their design. Can't wait to receive them!

Ideo Method Cards
