I want to be a tumblelogger
After stumbling across Projectionist and being pleasantly surprised, I started to catch on to this new meme called tumblelog. Basically it's about blogging small snipets of stuff, from lyrics, to IM transcripts to quotes to anythingh really, but with each bit in its own distinct look & feel.
(Updated to correct some writing.) (And a screenshot.)
Technorati: tumblelog, blogging
- RedHanded and Kottke give an overview of the 'phenomenon'.
- Tumbletumble is an other example of a tumblelog.
- Lifecapsules might be the first real CMS for this thing.
- More at my del.icio.us/kaeru/tumblelog page.
(Updated to correct some writing.) (And a screenshot.)
Technorati: tumblelog, blogging
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